
class nilspodlib.dataset.Dataset(sensor_data: Dict[str, ndarray], counter: ndarray, info: Header)[source]#

Class representing a logged session of a single NilsPod.


Some operations on the dataset should not be performed after each other, as they can lead to unexpected results. The respective methods have specific warnings in their docstring.

Each instance has 3 important (groups of attributes):

  • A instance of nilspodlib.header.Header containing all the meta info about the measurement.

  • self.counter: The continuous counter created by the sensor. It is in particular important to synchronise multiple datasets that were recorded at the same time (see nilspodlib.session.SyncedSession).

  • datastream: The actual sensor_type data accessed directly by the name of the sensor_type (e.g. acc, gyro, baro, …). Each sensor_type data is wrapped in a NilPodLib.datastream.Datastream object.


Path pointing to the recording file (if dataset was loaded from a file)


Metadata of the recording


Get the number of samples in the Dataset.


The continuous counter of the sensor.


Counter in seconds since first sample.


Counter as utc timestamps.


Counter as pandas datetime series in UTC timezone.


The enabled sensors in the dataset.


Iterate through all available datastreams.


Optional accelerometer datastream.


Optional gyroscope datastream.


Optional magnetometer datastream.


Optional barometer datastream.


Optional analog datastream. Its content will depend on the exact recording and sensor used.


Optional ECG datastream.


Optional PPG datastream.


Optional temperature reading datastream.


calibrate_imu(calibration[, inplace])

Apply a calibration to the Acc and Gyro datastreams.

cut([start, stop, step, inplace])

Cut all datastreams of the dataset.

cut_counter_val([start, stop, step, inplace])

Cut the dataset based on values in the counter and not the index.

cut_to_syncregion([start, end, warn_thres, ...])

Cut the dataset to the region indicated by the first and last sync package received from master.

data_as_df([datastreams, index, include_units])

Export the datastreams of the dataset in a single pandas DataFrame.

downsample(factor[, inplace])

Downsample all datastreams by a factor.

find_calibrations([folder, recursive, ...])

Find all calibration infos that belong to a given sensor_type.

find_closest_calibration([folder, ...])

Find the closest calibration info to the start of the measurement.

from_bin_file(path, *[, legacy_support, ...])

Create a new Dataset from a valid .bin file.

imu_data_as_df([index, include_units])

Export the acc and gyro datastreams of the dataset in a single pandas DataFrame.

__init__(sensor_data: Dict[str, ndarray], counter: ndarray, info: Header)[source]#

Get new Dataset instance.


Usually you shouldn’t use this init directly. Use the provided from_bin_file constructor to handle loading recorded NilsPod Sessions.


Dictionary with name of sensor_type and sensor_type data as np.array The data needs to be 2D with time/counter as first dimension


The counter created by the sensor_type. Should have the same length as all datasets


Header instance containing all Metainfo about the measurement.

calibrate_imu(calibration: Union[CalibrationInfo, path_t], inplace: bool = False) Self[source]#

Apply a calibration to the Acc and Gyro datastreams.

The final units of the datastreams will depend on the used calibration values, but must likely they will be “g” for the Acc and “dps” (degrees per second) for the Gyro.


calibration object or path to .json file, that can be used to create one.


If True this methods modifies the current dataset object. If False, a copy of the dataset and all datastream objects is created Notes:


If True this methods modifies the current dataset object. If False, a copy of the dataset and all datastream objects is created Notes: This just combines calibrate_acc and calibrate_gyro.

cut(start: Optional[int] = None, stop: Optional[int] = None, step: Optional[int] = None, inplace: bool = False) Self[source]#

Cut all datastreams of the dataset.

This is equivalent to applying the following slicing to all datastreams and the counter: array[start:stop:step]


This will not modify any values in the header/info the dataset. I.e. the number of samples in the header/ sync index values. Using methods that rely on these values might result in unexpected behaviour. For example cut_to_syncregion will not work correctly, if cut or cut_counter_val was used before.


Start index


Stop index


Step size of the cut


If True this methods modifies the current dataset object. If False, a copy of the dataset and all datastream objects is created

cut_counter_val(start: Optional[int] = None, stop: Optional[int] = None, step: Optional[int] = None, inplace: bool = False) Self[source]#

Cut the dataset based on values in the counter and not the index.

Instead of just cutting the datastream based on its index, it is cut based on the counter value. This is equivalent to applying the following pandas style slicing to all datastreams and the counter: array.loc[start:stop:step]


This will not modify any values in the header/info the dataset. I.e. the number of samples in the header/ sync index values. Using methods that rely on these values might result in unexpected behaviour. For example cut_to_syncregion will not work correctly, if cut or cut_counter_val was used before.


Start value in counter


Stop value in counter


Step size of the cut


If True this methods modifies the current dataset object. If False, a copy of the dataset and all datastream objects is created


The method searches the respective index for the start and the stop value in the counter and calls cut with these values. The step size will be passed directly and not modified (i.e. the step size will not respect downsampling or similar operations done beforehand).

cut_to_syncregion(start: bool = True, end: bool = False, warn_thres: Optional[int] = 30, inplace: bool = False) Self[source]#

Cut the dataset to the region indicated by the first and last sync package received from master.

This cuts the dataset to the values indicated by info.sync_index_start and info.sync_index_stop. In case the dataset was a sync-master (info.sync_role = 'master') this will have no effect and the dataset will be returned unmodified.


This function should not be used after any other methods that can modify the counter (e.g. cut or downsample).


This will not modify any values in the header/info the dataset. I.e. the number of samples in the header/ sync index values. Using methods that rely on these values might result in unexpected behaviour.


Whether the dataset should be cut at the info.sync_index_start. If this is False, a jump in the counter will remain. The only usecase for not cutting at the start is when the counters are already perfectly aligned.


Whether the dataset should be cut at the info.sync_index_stop. Usually it can be assumed that the data will be synchronous for multiple seconds after the last sync package. Therefore, it might be acceptable to just ignore the last syncpackage and just cut the start of the dataset.


Threshold in seconds from the end of a dataset. If the last syncpackage occurred more than warn_thres before the end of the dataset, a warning is emitted. Use warn_thres = None to silence. This is not relevant if the end of the dataset is cut (e.g. end=True)


If True this methods modifies the current dataset object. If False, a copy of the dataset and all datastream objects is created


If the dataset does not have any sync infos


If the dataset does not have any sync infos



If a syncpackage occurred far before the last sample in the dataset. See arg warn_thres.


Usually to work with multiple syncronised datasets, a SyncedSession should be used instead of cutting the datasets manually. SyncedSession.cut_to_syncregion will cover multiple edge cases involving multiple datasets, which can not be handled by this method.

data_as_df(datastreams: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, index: Optional[str] = None, include_units: Optional[bool] = False) DataFrame[source]#

Export the datastreams of the dataset in a single pandas DataFrame.


Optional list of datastream names, if only specific ones should be included. Datastreams that are not part of the current dataset will be silently ignored.


Specify which index should be used for the dataset. The options are: “counter”: For the actual counter “time”: For the time in seconds since the first sample “utc”: For the utc time stamp of each sample “utc_datetime”: for a pandas DateTime index in UTC time “local_datetime”: for a pandas DateTime index in the timezone set for the session None: For a simple index (0…N)


If True the column names will have the unit of the datastream concatenated with an _ Notes:


If True the column names will have the unit of the datastream concatenated with an _ Notes: This method calls the data_as_df methods of each Datastream object and then concats the results.


If True the column names will have the unit of the datastream concatenated with an _


If any other than the allowed index values are used.


This method calls the data_as_df methods of each Datastream object and then concats the results. Therefore, it will use the column information of each datastream.

downsample(factor: int, inplace: bool = False) Self[source]#

Downsample all datastreams by a factor.

This applies scipy.signal.decimate to all datastreams and the counter of the dataset. See nilspodlib.datastream.Datastream.downsample for details.


This will not modify any values in the header/info the dataset. I.e. the number of samples in the header/ sync index values. Using methods that rely on these values might result in unexpected behaviour. For example cut_to_syncregion will not work correctly, if cut, cut_counter_val, or downsample was used before.


Factor by which the dataset should be downsampled.


If True this methods modifies the current dataset object. If False, a copy of the dataset and all datastream objects is created

find_calibrations(folder: Optional[path_t] = None, recursive: bool = True, filter_cal_type: Optional[str] = None, ignore_file_not_found: Optional[bool] = False) List[Path][source]#

Find all calibration infos that belong to a given sensor_type.

As this only checks the filenames, this might return a false positive depending on your folder structure and naming.


Basepath of the folder to search. If None, tries to find a default calibration


If the folder should be searched recursive or not.


Whether only files obtain with a certain calibration type should be found. This will look for the CalType inside the json file and hence cause performance problems. If None, all found files will be returned. For possible values, see the imucal library.


If True this function will not raise an error, but rather return an empty list, if no calibration files were found for the specific sensor_type.

find_closest_calibration(folder: Optional[path_t] = None, recursive: bool = True, filter_cal_type: Optional[str] = None, before_after: Optional[str] = None, warn_thres: timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=30), ignore_file_not_found: Optional[bool] = False) Path[source]#

Find the closest calibration info to the start of the measurement.

As this only checks the filenames, this might return a false positive depending on your folder structure and naming.


Basepath of the folder to search. If None, tries to find a default calibration


If the folder should be searched recursive or not.


Whether only files obtain with a certain calibration type should be found. This will look for the CalType inside the json file and hence cause performance problems. If None, all found files will be returned. For possible values, see the imucal library.


Can either be ‘before’ or ‘after’, if the search should be limited to calibrations that were either before or after the specified date.


If the distance to the closest calibration is larger than this threshold, a warning is emitted


If True this function will not raise an error, but rather return None, if no calibration files were found for the specific sensor_type.

classmethod from_bin_file(path: path_t, *, legacy_support: str = 'error', force_version: Optional[Version] = None, tz: Optional[str] = None) Self[source]#

Create a new Dataset from a valid .bin file.


Path to the file


This indicates how to deal with old firmware versions. If error: An error is raised, if an unsupported version is detected. If warn: A warning is raised, but the file is parsed without modification If resolve: A legacy conversion is performed to load old files. If no suitable conversion is found, an error is raised. See the legacy package and the README to learn more about available conversions.


Instead of relying on the version provided in the session header, the legacy support will be determined based on the version provided here. This is only used, if legacy_support="resolve". This option can be helpful, when testing with development firmware images that don’t have official version numbers.


Optional timezone str of the recording. This can be used to localize the start and end time. Note, this should not be the timezone of your current PC, but the timezone relevant for the specific recording.


If unsupported FirmwareVersion is detected and legacy_error is True

imu_data_as_df(index: Optional[str] = None, include_units: Optional[bool] = False) DataFrame[source]#

Export the acc and gyro datastreams of the dataset in a single pandas DataFrame.


Specify which index should be used for the dataset. The options are: “counter”: For the actual counter “time”: For the time in seconds since the first sample “utc”: For the utc time stamp of each sample “utc_datetime”: for a pandas DateTime index in UTC time “local_datetime”: for a pandas DateTime index in the timezone set for the session None: For a simple index (0…N)


If True the column names will have the unit of the datastream concatenated with an _ Notes:


If True the column names will have the unit of the datastream concatenated with an _ Notes: This method calls the data_as_df methods of each Datastream object and then concats the results.


If True the column names will have the unit of the datastream concatenated with an _


If any other than the allowed index values are used.


This method calls the data_as_df methods of each Datastream object and then concats the results. Therefore, it will use the column information of each datastream.