nilspodlib.exceptions: A set of custom exceptions#

Exceptions and warnings used in the library.

exception nilspodlib.exceptions.InvalidInputFileError[source]#

Indicate an invalid binary file, which can not be loaded.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception nilspodlib.exceptions.RepeatedCalibrationError(sensor_name, factory)[source]#

Indicate that a datastream was already calibrated.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception nilspodlib.exceptions.SynchronisationError[source]#

Error that is raised for sync related issues.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception nilspodlib.exceptions.SynchronisationWarning[source]#

Indicate potential issues with sync.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception nilspodlib.exceptions.LegacyWarning[source]#

Indicate potential issues due to older firmware versions.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception nilspodlib.exceptions.CorruptedPackageWarning[source]#

Indicate potential issues with a recorded file.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception nilspodlib.exceptions.VersionError[source]#

Error related to Firmware Version issues.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception nilspodlib.exceptions.SessionValidationError(msg: str, parent_cls, *args: object)[source]#

Error raised when the validation of a SyncedSession fails.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

nilspodlib.exceptions.datastream_does_not_exist_warning(sensor_type, operation)[source]#

Warn about not existing datastreams.